meet david


With the proliferation of digital channels, social media-empowered consumers, and marketplaces crowded with more innovative entrants than ever, the worlds of brand building and marketing have changed tremendously. The landscape has also become far more complex, requiring navigation of countless options in communication channels, creative content and marketing technology.

Emerging or transforming companies need to understand their customer and present their story with precision. They can’t afford to pursue “shiny object” tactics that come with high expense and questionable returns. Most of all, they need to move fast, with partners they can trust and communicate openly with.

I started Sheepdog to help the next generation of world-changing companies demonstrate their value and reach their unlimited commercial potential. I’m fortunate to collaborate with dynamic, highly skilled partners who lend specialized expertise to execute campaigns or programs. 

Outsourced fractional marketing leadership has proven to be an effective model for a wide range of companies and I think all of Sheepdog’s past clients would recommend us. Whether you have fundamental brand challenges, or just want an outside perspective on your marketing organization or part of your marketing system, I’d love to talk about it.


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