our model

A new and better approach for growth companies looking to build momentum in their marketing system


Does this sound familiar?

marketing quote 1

"Our marketing looks tactical. I don't see the overarching strategy and I'm not sure what's working."

marketing quote 2

"We need a marketing leader, but can't commit to a full-time, permanent hire."

marketing quote 3

"Our marketing needs a kick start and clear direction. We need to move quickly and decisively."

marketing quote 4

"We have important strategic initiatives that our team doesn't have the expertise or bandwidth to run."


Sheepdog offers organizations a modern solution to navigating marketing complexities and positioning their brand for growth. We bring a new marketing leadership alternative.


Compared to hiring a full-time marketing leader, we're more flexible, faster to deploy and cost far less

Where an agency is specialized in certain disciplines, we bring a great breadth of expertise without bias toward any particular solution

Unlike a consultant, we're an insider member of your team, and we don't just advise, we implement with excellence

who we're for information

who we're for

Ambitious and innovative companies that have complex brand and marketing challenges but either haven't yet built a full internal marketing function, or need support tackling specific strategic priorities.

our scope information

our scope

Navigating all facets of a complex modern marketing environment. We manage strategy and execution, across all channels (owned, earned, paid). We structure and lead teams of employees, contractors and agencies.

how we work information

how we work

A fractional marketing leadership model. Serving as an integrated member of the leadership team, accountable for brand and marketing performance, but on a part-time, flexible basis.

our partners information

our partners

Best-in-class specialist collaborators. We build an efficient, high-performing marketing team, drawing from a network of contractors, boutiques, and agencies proven to do quality work and be cost effective for growth businesses.

most importantly information

most importantly

We do powerful work that builds famous brands. More than anything, great marketing is about inspired ideas that break through and motivate. Creativity is an X Factor multiplier, not a commodity. Don't look at Sheepdog as a "check the box" resource. Hire us because you have big expectations, and want to get going fast.

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